۩ Analysis and Synthesis of Mechanisms
۩ Robotics
۩ Dynamics and Vibration Analysis of Machinery
۩ Mechanisms and Machines for Rural, Agricultural, Textile and Industrial Applications
۩ Micro, Nano Machines and Mechanisms
۩ Biomedical Devices and Mechanisms
۩ Theoretical Kinematics
<List Of all Accepted Papers>
NaCoMM 2009-- (Robotics)
Paper Code Paper Title
RDR2 Comparison of performance of different traction systems for terrainean robots
RJB3 The Generalized Feature Vector (GFV) : A New Approach for Vision Based Navigation of Outdoor Mobile Robot
RAP4 A New Five Wheeled Rover For All Terrain Navigation
RDR5 A brief comparison between the Subsumption Architecture and Motor Schema Theory in light of Autonomous Exploration by Behavior Based Robots
RVM6 Haptic Feedback for Injecting Biological Cells using Miniature Compliant Mechanisms
RAM8 Homogeneous Matrix Approach to Forward Kinematic Analysis of Serial Mechanisms
RAM10 ARBIB: Development of an Autonomous Robot based on Intelligent Behavior
RSB11 Verification of the Trajectories of Stewart Platform Manipulators against Singularities
RHP12 Docking Operation by Two DOF Dual Arm Planar
Cooperative Space Robot
RKV13 Force Control in One Legged Hopping Robot while Landing
RAK14 Overwhelming Trajectory Control of Flexible Space Robot
RBR17 Dynamics and Control of a Pneumatically Actuated Robotic Manipulator
RCA18 Mechanical Logic Devices and Circuits
RDC20 Design of a SRSPM for a desired workspace
RJV24 Modeling of Soft Materials: Integrating Bond graphs with
Finite Element Analysis
RSS25 Optimal Control of Planar Grasping
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